What call Nature Mother and why?

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District
Familiar faces vie for table tennis glory

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District and URS Corporation have held ping pong leagues for several years and ultimately hold a championship tournament on the seventh-floor patio of their downtown Los Angeles office building.

This year’s Pingpong Extravaganza men’s championship was held July 26, featuring a chili dog lunch to raise funds for and promote membership in the District-sponsored Toastmasters club.

“Another great year,” said Ed Louie, member of Essayons Toastmasters Club 988 and One-Alarm Chili chef. “We had some scheduling issues, so only the men’s final was held today.”

In the men’s division, it was an all-District final as ACE-IT contractor Bee Cha won three sets to one against David Coltharp of the asset management division.

Corps vs. Corps lined up as the women took the table on July 31. Perennial finalist and 2006 champion Rosa Ramirez, programs and project management division lost a hard fought battle to Roxanne Vidaurre, engineering division.

This fun rivalry got its start when Ed Louie attended a Toastmasters meeting in URS’ conference room and noticed a ping pong table in the patio area. A URS Toastmasters member asked him if he would like a quick game after the meeting. After the match, the two decided it would be fun if the district and URS challenge each other to a friendly ping pong match. From that point in 2006 to present, it’s two wins for URS men and five wins for the Corps men. For the women, its four wins for URS and two wins for the Corps women. The Corps is looking for future men and women players to join.

“If this year is any indication, the men and women of the Los Angeles District and URS Corporation will continue this friendly challenge, and I may have to add another ‘alarm’ to my chili,” added Louie.

Question by : What call Nature Mother and why?
Vermins or mutant people call nature Mother. Earth is full of vermins above, below, and in space. They are bloodless and eat the blood group that are buried or that they sacrificed. The earth is a monster due to every inch of it is inhabited by bloodless monsters like worms, beetles, flees, ticks, lice living in sea, soil, space and the clouds. Proof: every ramadan holiday, a group of bees and flies that come out of people they incubated invade all cities wherever the muslims live. As well, the mosques are beehives full of mutant bees. These are people that eat honeycombs and have eaten live baby these bees and pass them out in their feces. So, every year at ramadan, which is the scrambled name of their gods ra and ma of the parasitic tribes of dan, which they ate, the vermins come to show themselves to the human vermins. So allah is ra of ramadan and ma the head of its concubines. which make these gods asian and arabic. Note that the humans conquered Asia through their diaspora. All these vermins are one and the same.
All cities where the moslem live are attacked by flies and bees that live on garbage smells, which prove that these muslims are infected by vermins and that they are buckets of vermins. The vermins follow them because of the vermins they have in them. The bees don’t care about the people because bees cannot care about people, but bees watch after what look like them and what are in these people look like the flies and the bees: vermins. The people smell like the vermins who can track them and that is why they don‘t care about the vermins swarming around them. While these vermins live in people they cannot grow, they stay miniature. So, the pods dress is like a tatoo that let the bees know where their human babies are. Note that people dress a certain way when they belong to a certain group of religions. So people who call nature are infected. You can see the infection in the way they dress and in their eyes, which have black dots under the iris. These black dots are what the vermins look like inside the flesh.

It is eerie that once you know about the vermins, they don’t hide themselves any more. They let you know who they are. You can see them in people. That is why people teach their kids not to stare. Kids tell what they see and kids can see the monsters in people. So it is not people that call the monstrous earth mother, it is the blood sucking vermins in people that call earth mother. Because every inch of earth is made of vermins, and all these vermins drink blood and eat flesh, decaying flesh this prove that earth was hijacked by these invaders. They live inside us to conquer us because we were supposed to clean the planet from the presence of these monsters. They cannot live with people since they relish to eat us. While what’s in them eat cows and such, note that cows breathe the air of our dead people when they pass away, which in the eyes of the vermins made the cow look like people, the vermns outside just plain eat the people which the vermins inside are sacrificing to them through war and other means to show obedience. Since they are part of the earth, they cause earthquake by mimicking the real one and they cause tornadoes and twisters and hurricanes. They mimic the environments and create their own types of weather inside the water spheres that they created to raise their cattles, us. That is why the vermins inside the people claim that god created everything. People don’t have gods, the vermins inside people do. They live on putrid smell and that is why they have to decay the environment they live in. So people’s intestine have to stink so the vermins can live in them and they have to pass smelly gas to help the crystal bowl smell putrid. The vermins in the clouds live only on smell. Observe the bees at ramadan, they stay near garbage and live on the smell day and night. They live in every neighborhood muslims live. They attack people passing by. They get in contact with people they think that are muslims due to the people covering their faces. The cover on the face let them know that these are human vermins. So these people are not people any more, they are pods of vermins and act like them. You will see that these people love anything that is sweet because these vermins even though in people are raised on sugar, just like the bees outside their bodies.
Nature is mother to vermins because nature is verminated. The blood group animals tell us that it was not always that way and that is why they are powerless to defend themselves since the most intelligent beings were conquered by bacteria and used to abuse them. These vermins have no blood and if the vermin scientists find blood in them it is because like the bees carry sugar from plants in their body pouch so the vermins mimic the blood group by carrying something that looks like blood in a bag in their pouch. The snakes have managed to create a fake heart, ar

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2 Responses to What call Nature Mother and why?

  1. Forget to take something this morning?

    September 14, 2012 at 5:26 pm

  2. Weird… Honey I’m a nurse, I’m gonna tell you to go to your doctor, and have your mental wellness checked alright? It looks like you have got allot of time on your hands to be doing this, maybe direct it on something actually useful… Good luck with your life…

    September 14, 2012 at 6:05 pm

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