2010-08-05 Pig farmer no longer sells pigs

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The Da Ai Headlines News【Pig farmer no longer sells pigs】 For three generations, Luo Hongxian’s family, from Taipei County’s city of Linkou, has made their living raising pigs and selling them off. However, starting last October, the family completely stopped this business, which they now regard as inhumane. Raising his pigs as he would his own children, Luo is taking on odd jobs rather than selling them to slaughter. What prompted such a big change? We visit Luo’s farm to find out. Luo Hongxian: Pigs are my children! “Daddy is here!” Treating these pigs as his own children, whenever Luo Hongxian is feeling low, he comes to sit in this pigsty. ” Look! It’s smiling! You see, it’s so adorable.” Unable to bear another pig’s slaughter Luo had followed in his family’s business — raising pigs — for three years, but in April, 2009, his mindset was completely altered during a trade. Pig owner, Luo Hongxian :” One pig really shocked me. When I was pulling it, it didn’t scream, but the others beside kept screaming. It didn’t make any noise but just stared at me. I looked back; I felt like it was saying to me: where are you taking me? How can you so easily just give me away after one year? I felt so bad inside. I was really shaken to the core. I couldn’t sleep. It was 3am, and I drove my car to the slaughter house, trying to save it. I was planning on buying him back with twice the money. I didn’t want it to leave my side again. But when I got there, nothing was left. ” Now a

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6 Responses to 2010-08-05 Pig farmer no longer sells pigs

  1. God will bless him abundantly for having a heart.

    September 5, 2012 at 10:10 am

  2. Yes! I hope many more see the truth and follow in this great man’s footsteps!

    September 5, 2012 at 10:57 am

  3. Wonderful! … Luo Hongxian is a role model for humanity … I am so glad to know his story

    September 5, 2012 at 11:09 am

  4. love this video!

    September 5, 2012 at 11:42 am

  5. Wow!! so beautiful!!! I hope more and more people change and begin to think in animals as beings that can feel…. love this story!!!

    September 5, 2012 at 12:21 pm

  6. Blessings and Respect !!

    September 5, 2012 at 12:30 pm

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