Healthy Alternatives to Milk

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Article by Matthew McClifford

Healthy Alternatives to Milk – Health

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Milk gets a lot of press. We have been told that it’s an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D, and it really does the body good. However, before you slap on your milk mustache, consider that you may not know the whole story behind traditional milk and that there are other options.There’s More Than One Milk?

By now, unless you’ve been locked in a barn on a dairy farm in South Dakota, you have got to know there are udder (I’m very, very sorry) options. Several of them in fact. For now, lets start with the most consumed milk today.

Cow’s Milk

This is all most of us really knew until the 21st century. Cow’s milk was glamorized and was found on every kitchen table at breakfast, lunch, and dinner (or as country folk like to call it – supper). It was going to help us grow up big and strong, and all that calcium was going to ensure that our bones were so hard that you couldn’t break them with a 3-story fall.

Turns out, we may have been lied to – again.

It may be true that milk is a good source of calcium and vitamin D, but so is spinach and the sun. What you should be concerned about is what is the “net effect” of cow milk consumption?

If you are drinking “conventional” cow’s milk (not organic), chances are you are sucking up antibiotics and hormones to start. Plus, its been pasteurized (for your “benefit”) and homogenized which effectively kills beneficial microorganisms and modifies milk in a way that makes it dangerous for the cardiovascular system.

That’s before we even talk about how they treat those cows on many conventional “Factory Farms”.

Cows milk has also been linked to allergies, asthma, bone and joint disease.wait, hold a minute. You thought it was good for bones? Turns out, cow’s milk has been researched to have a net acidic effect on the body, which results in a loss of bone density. Ironic hey?

In the end, if you really don’t want to ditch the cows milk, at least go organic, and the best case scenario is go raw (nor pasteurized or homogenized). You’re going to have to hook up with a small local farmer for that gig.

Score: Conventional – Not.Organic – Neutral.Raw – Sure.

Goats Milk

Keeping in mind all that was mentioned in cow’s milk, goat’s milk has been considered a better alternative as it’s easier to digest and more compatible to human nutritional needs.

However, it does have a stronger taste so keep that in mind.

Score: Conventional – Neutral.Organic – Sure.Raw – Go for it!

Soy Milk

Once the darling of alternative milks, the fact that soy is one of the most heavily treated and biggest GMO crops on the planet, now makes it an alternative not worth considering, especially with all the other options out there.

That’s before we talk about hormone altering and difficulty digesting.

Score: Conventional – Not.Organic (and GMO Free) – Better, but still a no go.

Almond Milk

A common alternative for milk lovers, almond milk may not be as rich in protein (which most people freak out about, even though they get more than enough) but it obviously has a different nutrient profile that’s rich is plant based fats and other phytonutrients.

Raw almond milk is best, but requires you to make it. There are plenty of decent options out there, which will put your digestive system in a better place.

The taste is also quite mild, so that part of the transition is much easier.

Score: Conventional – Yes.Organic and Raw- Absolutely!

Rice Milk

Like almond milk, it offers a different nutritional profile that is pant based as well.

The taste is a bit stronger than almond milk, but can give you options if nuts are not your deal.

Score: Conventional – Sure.Organic – Yes.

Coconut Milk

A more recent kid on the block, coconut adds the benefit of natural electrolytes and there is less harm done to the coconut than almonds and rice, in the conventional format (think hard shell).

The only trouble is that it’s not always easy to find. It’s even milder than almond milk.

Score: In all forms – Yes.

Hemp Milk

One of the more expensive alternatives, hemp milk is much higher in protein and contains omega 3 fatty acids. It also less treated and less ecologically destructive.

Hemp milk does have a more distinct taste that takes some getting used to for most people.

Score: In all forms – Yes.

Human Breast Milk

When it comes to babies, this is the be all and end all. Unfortunately, some people went and thought that man could make a better substitute and started buying formula.

When I was first confronted with the subject, my response was easy: “Why would I choose a fabricated source of nourishment for my child, and PAY for it, when he can get exactly what he requires in a “format” that is designed for his needs, and is FREE?”

Some days I wonder how society got so misled. Then I remember.misaligned self-serving lobbyists (come to think of it – are there any other kinds?).

It is likely unusual if you go drinking breast milk beyond the age of 18 months, and when you hit 18 it gets really awkward. So this is not really an option for the adult, but it is the BEST option for getting started.

Score: For babies – Only way to go!Adults – At your own risk.

So there you go. All you wanted to know about milk (for now, until they come out with another alternative) and then some.

Somewhere, a factory cow with a bleeding udder is smiling. You’re welcome my friend.

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Matthew McClifford

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