I fed my chickens a mixture of rolled oats and chicken feed is that okay?

Filed under: Poultry |

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Image by terriem

Question by B: I fed my chickens a mixture of rolled oats and chicken feed is that okay?
i mixed it together with some warm water… is this an okay feed?

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3 Responses to I fed my chickens a mixture of rolled oats and chicken feed is that okay?

  1. if you want them to explode!

    August 2, 2012 at 3:08 pm

  2. Depends on the chicken feed. If its layers pellets then you don’t need to add water. If its layers mash then you do need to add water. The oats are fine but they haven’t got much nourisment in them really?

    I feed layers pellets in the morning when I let them out the shed, they are starving and eat it all up quickly so nothing is left for the crows and they get all the nutrients in the pellets. In the afternoon I give them oats/crumbled stale bread/pasta/peelings/vegetable scraps/salad/apples cores/eggshells (crushed) and any other scraps that are left over. Chickens appreciate a varied diet.

    In the winter you can feed rolled maize (corn) but not too much and especially not for pullets as they can put on too much fat too quickly and have difficulty laying.

    Trust me I'm a Doctor
    August 2, 2012 at 3:40 pm

  3. this is probably not a complete diet for chickens. Commercial chicken feed is ok, but they also need plenty of greens. Do your chickens free range, or are they in a confined area? If they have access to weeds and grass, then they will probably find all the nutrition that they require, supplemented by the chicken feed you give them. Don’t think that rolled oats are too bad for them if they are getting variety.

    August 2, 2012 at 4:36 pm

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