books similar to the movie ‘mean girls’?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by pluckytree
In the raised beds, we planted way too much lettuce, but it all turned out very well. It’s way past its prime now as it’s getting too hot, but the bees seem to like them as they flower, so we’ve left them in for now. In the foreground are two different types of beans, which have also been very prolific and delicious.

Question by Rainbow Child: books similar to the movie ‘mean girls’?
are there any books similar to the plot of mean girls, and ‘queen bees and wannabes’ doesnt count I mean actual books e.g. plot characters etc not information type “how to raise your daughter” books


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2 Responses to books similar to the movie ‘mean girls’?

  1. Have you read the gossip girls series? Its very different but along the same lines of popular high school kids.

    August 1, 2012 at 5:23 pm

  2. there is a book the movie is based on i think its called queen and killer bees or something… it says what it’s based on after the movie….

    August 1, 2012 at 6:11 pm

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