Going off the grid homesteading?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by surlygirl
The reason we came to Rockland. They have their own garden, they raise pigs and they keep bees.

Question by : Going off the grid homesteading?
I would really like to go off the grid and own a house made out of cob or a straw house. Has anybody done this? Any tips on animals to raise? Any ideas on plants (ex. fruit trees, carrots)? Would it be a good idea to start a bee colony? Any thought or ideas on any part helps even housing or where to build.

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One Response to Going off the grid homesteading?

  1. the first thing you have to lookk for is a site that has it’s own reliable water supply.
    without water, you can’t survive.
    there are lots of books to help you with ideas, but if you are going to do it most of the things you are asking about you will need to ‘know’ to be able to make it work, so pick peoples brains, if you have questions and find someone with knowledge pick their brains! Read books, think about how much you will need etc.
    for example milk is a great whole food, btu keeping a cow you get about 10 ltres a day of milk and she has to be milked twice a day every day or she dries up… goats (and to a lesser extent sheep) give much less about 1-2 litres a day and don’t need to be milked everday, sheep are more usefull because they also give wool, and thie poo is more nutrient rich for fertiliser.

    potatoes and most root vegetable are pretty easy to grow and once they are in don’t need a lot of tending, and fruit trees like apple, pear, lemon and orange once they are established are really usefull and can give heaps of fruit of taken care of.

    having a bee colony would be a great idea, but probably for the more advanced homesteader( if that’s the right term =]) again pick the brains of a bee keeper.

    just keep looking and don’t forget your local library because you will find some veryuseful info there.

    Good Luck!
    PS if you know someone who ownsa farm it would be really useful for you to see if you can spend a few weeks with them getting used to the routine, and huge differences there can be from city life!

    July 27, 2012 at 5:26 am

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