Dream Interpretation? Please HELP!?

Filed under: Bees |

raise bees
Image by Peter Baer
The old chicken coop at the farm. I raised many a chicken in this coop.

Family Flickr Photo Trip with Tom, Jer and Dillon

Question by Shaneka D: Dream Interpretation? Please HELP!?
I recently had a dream that I was talking to a woman who told me she sees things as if she was implying she is had psychic abilities. She told me that a swarm a bees was coming. I did not believe her; however, in the distance there was a swarm of bees coming my way. There was several other people around but they did not seem to have the same reaction as I did. I was afraid so flopped to the ground and quickly tried to cover my head with my hands. The swarm of bees were hovering over my body as if I was a big flower. I remember feeling as if the bees were mostly gathered around or concentrating on my head. I did not feel as if the bees were trying to attack me in any way. In fact, I remember feeling a tingling almost calming sensation. I am uncertain as to what the bees were actually doing but they appeared to be working together. I was growing impatient due to they had been hovering over me for a long time. I quickly tried to raise up and the bees all flew away. I was worried that I had been stung. It actually felt as if one had stung me.

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One Response to Dream Interpretation? Please HELP!?

  1. LoL – I seem to type these words almost every time: The dream is inside you and every person (and the bees too~!) are aspects of you. With the opening of the dream, because we meet the psychic, I suspect there’s a part of you that is psychic like that dream figure. I’ve seen that in others’ dreams. Have you noticed a strong intuitive sense in yourself?

    The swarm of bees! Startling at first, but it turns out they treat you like “a big flower.” This is powerful imagery, because the flower in many cultures and religions represents the soul, the higher Self, or the spirit of God in you. True of Taoism’s “golden flower” and even in Christianity’s five-petal rose. 

    You didn’t actually see a flower in the dream, LoL – but the bees did and they swarmed around your head! The head is representative of thinking, and maybe this relates to the beginning of the dream when we see the psychic or intuitive in you, the bees swarmed the intuitive, spiritual aspect in your head. 

    One bee stung you… I wonder if actually one bee pollinated you? Well, either way, the bee broke through and affected you. This makes me curious what the bees mean in your dream. They metaphorically gave you some of their “bee-ness”! Their bee quality! 

    Bees give us honey, and they also have a sting… I’m kind of speculating… This is a quality of an intuitive person: She gives honey-sweet insight, but sometimes her insight has a sting! 

    LoL – I did a lot of speculating, but that’s what I saw in your dream! Hope I wasn’t far off the mark!

    July 23, 2012 at 2:14 am

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