My parents are angry with me for wanting to be a farmer?

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Question by : My parents are angry with me for wanting to be a farmer?
All I’ve ever wanted to do was take over my great-uncle’s small farm (he raises goats, bees, and a few other things), but for some reason, my parents are really opposed to the idea. My father has even gone so far as to threaten that he won’t help me pay for college unless I’m going to ‘do something useful with my life’.
They’re always on about how I won’t make a lot of money, and that it would be a ‘waste of my smarts’ or something crazy like that. My dad wants me to be an engineer or a doctor. But I don’t have any interest in those things! I don’t care about having tons of money, I just want to do honest, worthwhile work that’s close to nature. I think that is the only way I can live a fulfilling life.

So now, they are really mad at me, and also refuse to speak to my uncle. What should I do about this? I don’t want to create a rift between my family, but I also really don’t want to give in to their silly rationale.
@ Chrys, actually I’m a girl, and I don’t agree with you at all, sorry. You are sounding exactly like my parents. See, I’m one of those crazies that thinks the world needs many more hikers, hunters, storytellers, craftsmen (and yes, farmers), and many less engineers, factory workers, and people in the industrial and informations businesses. The end of living and the beginning of living, babe.

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7 Responses to My parents are angry with me for wanting to be a farmer?

  1. Follow your dreams

    Dr. Rollte
    July 21, 2012 at 5:29 pm

  2. Follow your dreams — you deserve to be happy, and if that’s what you want, that is definitely what you should do. Just explain it to your parents, and sit down with them, and maybe you could come up with a compromise. Good luck!

    July 21, 2012 at 6:04 pm

  3. Hmm…
    Your parents are like regular parents who want their child to be a Doctor Dentist Engineer Lawyer etc.
    idk what to do but give u a list of jobs that are close to nature
    Zoo Keeper
    Tourist Guide
    Studying Animals in their natural habitat
    Animal Plant ( working for the channel)

    Thats all i can think of but there are TONS of jobs like this

    But right now with the low list of job opennings Farmer is right now the best

    July 21, 2012 at 6:09 pm

  4. I say do what you want to do. It’s your life after all. But I would apologize to your uncle on your parents behalf, for how stupid their being about this.

    Jen M
    July 21, 2012 at 6:24 pm

  5. Listen buddy, I do agree that you should follow your dreams, but I learned a few things the hard way, here’s my advice…

    This world has around 7 billion individuals. No one really cares about you. At all. No matter how many friends you have that claim that they love you and care about you. They might but most likely when it gets serious they’re useless. The only people who want the best for you are your parents. Why would your parents tell you to not follow your dreams? They know something you don’t. You’re still young. Your parents are actually telling you be a doctor (saving lives, that has a huge meaning to life) or an engineer (you’ll be contributing to society which is also something t live for) but with all due respect being a farmer nowadays wont get you the life you desire. You might like it, but what if the time comes that you have to send you kids to college? Will you have money for that? Most likely no. What if your wife wants more than cows and goats and actually wants to feel special like all the other ladies with their fancy dresses? Will you be able to full fill that wish as a farmer?

    I have all the respect for farmers, I have respect to garbage men, because we all make up society. We all play our part. But your parents want the best for you, and I agree with their choice.

    Think about the future, As much as i agree that people should follow their dreams, I also believe that our parents know whats best. Besides engineers and architects have meaning and over the years they gave much to society and humanity.

    Good luck.

    July 21, 2012 at 6:30 pm

  6. do what you want to do. have a serious conversation with them and ask them if they really care about you enough to let you follow your dreams. if you want to be a farmer then you totally should and not let anyone stop you. tell your parents that its not fair the way they dont even give you options. you are your own person just because they are your parents they cant force you to do something you truly dont want to. its like dressing up a dog the owner gets to decide the cut of the fur and type of outfit. you decide what you do and its not ur fault if the rift begins to open wider
    good luck buddy

    Kevin Antonio
    July 21, 2012 at 6:51 pm

  7. You have to do what works for you. If it helps you any, I live in a small town surrounded by farms (Minnesota) and they generally live comfortable lives. Lots of the kids in our local schools are farm kids. There is no stigma about it around here!

    You will have to work hard to be successful, but that’s true in any job, and you are more likely to work hard if your heart is in it. So go ahead and major in organ farming, or apiculture, or animal husbandry, or whatever it is. May the force be with you!

    July 21, 2012 at 7:13 pm

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