Are Perdue turkeys raised like Perdue chickens?

Filed under: Poultry |

Question by : Are Perdue turkeys raised like Perdue chickens?
I looked on their website, and they’re all about their chicken. I know that the chickens are farm-raised without cages and fed an all-veggie diet, and other good stuff like that. But it gets rather quiet when it mentions the turkeys. I would like to know, because I am on an all-organic meat diet. And boy, is turkey good. My family buys Perdue chicken all the time. It’s kind of a moral thing of mine to have the chickens raised cage-free. So it would be nice to know that the turkeys were too. Thank you so much!

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2 Responses to Are Perdue turkeys raised like Perdue chickens?

  1. I have never seen turkeys raised cage free on a large scale. they can be a difficult bird to raise is my understanding.
    I doubt very much that Perdue chickens are running around outside and are probably raised in big open sided sheds, just like turkeys are. You can not raise several thousand chickens running around outside. Especially not when they are babies. It is just not efficient and cost effective and the chickens would end up running off all the fat and become tougher, which is one reason poultry is raised in enclosures.
    The barns are huge and open to fresh air, sunshine gets in there from the sides too though.
    I found these links while I was researching Perdue.

    July 18, 2012 at 10:54 pm

  2. Purdue chickens AND turkeys are raised in large barns, never get outside, though you are correct they are not in cages, the feed is a GMO grain based feed (mainly soy and corn with some sub-theraputic antibiotics put in to keep the birds alive while they live in over crowded conditions. But they do not use hormones to raise them. But all of them are cage free as every single bird raised for meat in the USA is cage free. But they are still crammed into barns with less than 3 square feet of space per turkey and less than 2 square foot per chicken

    I certainly hope you do not think these birds are raised with access to pasture and this is anything like what would be done on a small farm. I kind of assume you do as you seem to think the fact they are fed an all groan (veggie) diet they re treated well. But in reality chickens eat some meat in their diet naturally and would be healthier if the industrial chicken farms were a bit closer to their natural diet.

    If you want a good bird be prepared to pay over $ 2.00 a pound and buy locally and look for grass fed/pasture and Organic. those are the chickens that are really cage free and not raised in a huge barn that by the time the birds are table ready they get 2 feet of space in that barn

    July 18, 2012 at 11:40 pm

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