Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Since when does being a reality series reject make you a foreign policy expert?

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Question by sidney_1970: Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Since when does being a reality series reject make you a foreign policy expert?
Ok I understand we all have our opinions about politics and foreign policy. But how can a reality series reject become crowned the All Knowing Foreign Policy Advisor and Conservative Opinion Poster Child? She married a third rate quarterback and obviously wasn’t a super successful shoe designer so where did she learn all her Defense Strategy for America’s DOD. The whole bit about well “if we tell the other team where we are throwing the ball how is that supposed to help us win the game.” This was in response to comments on the View about Troop withdrawl deadlines. Gee Elizabeth that sounds so smart. Did your third string QB hubby tell you that? Maybe he should be our next Sec. of Defense. Last time I checked there are no winners in WAR. Fox News thinks she the bees knees. Its sad that we have raised this woman to a position of real smarts. ABC you need to rethink your hostess line up on The View. You lost some real talent with Merideth, Star and Rosie.
I guess since Star is an actual Law School Graduate and Merideth was a Journalism major i feel they have more credit than Hasselbeck but i guess the their needs to be at least one cheer leader on the panel right?

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8 Responses to Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Since when does being a reality series reject make you a foreign policy expert?

  1. Well, you sure seem to have it correct, as far as you go! Please tell me ANYONE who works for Bush that is a “Policy Expert”? Theft expert maybe!

    Bush is so bad, he drug up David Stockman’s Voodoo Economics as a way to steal from the poor, again.

    It didn’t work for Reagan, it hasn’t worked for Bush, and it will never work for anyone. Thinking that stealing from the poor to give to the rich in hopes that it trickles back down to those you stole it from is at the height of hypocrisy! The only thing keeping this administration afloat is corporate welfare, a war, and 3 1/2 TRILLION dollars in additional debt. It sure didn’t go to the poor!

    Even I could build an economy on 3 1/2 trillion cards!

    July 14, 2012 at 8:16 pm

  2. It doesn’t make her a foreign policy expert.

    That doesn’t make Star and Rosie any better though.

    Star and Rosie are real talent?…..Don’t get out much, do you?

    July 14, 2012 at 8:41 pm

  3. i think it’s hilarious. but what do i know? it’s entertainment, don’t take it so seriously. of course it bends weak minds, what doesn’t? just remember, this is a gurl that eats worms or some sorta nasty sheet.. remember seeing her with a mouthful of gross? same story different day.

    July 14, 2012 at 9:00 pm

  4. It’s called “The View”. All of the women are just regular people giving their view. Rosie had no political background.

    Sounds like Elizabeth has really hit a nerve with you….

    July 14, 2012 at 9:43 pm

  5. Since Rosie became an expert on the same subject.
    Of course anybody who argues with a lib has to be wrong in the eyes of libs.

    July 14, 2012 at 10:06 pm

  6. Yawn. I think they are all a bunch of idiots. Rosie for her 9/11 conspiracy crap, and Elisabeth for her failure to understand the difference between Al Queda and Iraq.

    Honestly, I hope the shows ratings tank. There is no reason people should watch this garbage. What I’ve seen have simply been the snippets in the news.

    professional student
    July 14, 2012 at 10:27 pm

  7. Hasselbeck and Odonell are about as credible as Paris Hilton. Even scarier is the people who actually watch this crap.

    July 14, 2012 at 11:01 pm

  8. Ummmm…stupid question because when did being a comedian give you a right to the same opinion…Rosie?

    July 14, 2012 at 11:55 pm

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