How can I raise ducks for eggs?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by headharbourlight
This group of eider duck ducklings live and were raised on the islands that connect to Head Harbour Lightstation. This is their home and will be the home of many of the offspring as well. They forage for tidbits in the seaweed at the edges of the rocks. At this age they need the support of the rocks and seaweed because they have no feathers and cannot swim very long.

Question by Jed M: How can I raise ducks for eggs?
Any information is helpful….i need all the help i can get.

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3 Responses to How can I raise ducks for eggs?

  1. Keeping fowl is fun. You might enjoy the sights below. One is how to raise them, house them, duck egg recipes, etc. and the other shows many breeds. Have fun. I much prefer chicken eggs but….. 🙂 Enjoy!

    July 11, 2012 at 3:35 pm

  2. Make sure you do research here is alot of info I know

    * When babies they need to be under a lamp until 2 weeks of age until 2 weeks and after no lamp is needed also they can be kept in a rabbit cage or dog cage or running around your room(lol).
    * At 2 weeks of age they are able to go outside to root around in the grass.
    * You need to have water for them to swim in, if you have a pond there ya go but if not buy a plastic kiddy pool. They work great.
    * They need to eat chickstarter which is at Tractor Supply and other stores with poultry feed.
    * Depending on the breed of duck, if you dont want a flyer than the breeds you need would be eather Pekin, Buff, Magpie, Sweatish, Khaki Campbell, and Runner ducks. If you want to look at pics just type there name in google and push images to see some. The most popular breed is Pekin which I have.
    * They need a friend so its best to get 2 or more because if you dont and introduce them later thay wll NOT be very social and fight.
    * When older the breeds abouve can stay in a fenced in area like a fenced in back yard with other animals(there friendly tword other animals like dogs and suck) Make sure theyre protected from preditors in a garage or in house durrng the night
    ******* the following above is when you haveducklings*********

    When having abult ducks (i recomend have ducklings because they trust more) you feed them cracked corn(if you want eggs golor mix with egg layer for chickens also ducks) and have water to make happy kiddy pools are good too. and have a safe are 4 them too like above.

    Some people are suprized im only 15 and know alot.

    July 11, 2012 at 4:28 pm

  3. you can always start by buying ducklings at any pet stores or ranches which raise ducks. the ratio of male to female is 1:10. Meaning you should raise 1 male duck to every 10 female ducks.Or just feed an all female duck with protein rich feed in order for their eggs to develop and be laid within 5 months of age.

    Dollfuss Jr. G
    July 11, 2012 at 4:59 pm

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