Looking for info and value for a Goebel hummel #200?

Filed under: Bees |

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Image by waitscm
May 2nd, 2011

Question by corbett_jen: Looking for info and value for a Goebel hummel #200?
I recently found a hummel figurine once owned by my grandmother. I am trying to find more info on this piece (date made & value) but can’t seem to find a match online!

The piece is of a blond boy, a goat herder, standing with his hands in his pockets next to two lambs or goats. The boy wears a cap, lederhosen and tall socks. There is one large lamb behind the boy that is facing a smaller lamb in front of the boy’s feet.

I have found this design online listed as “Little Shepherd” or “Goat Herder” but I have not been able to find a similar base to mine.

The base is not flat – has an inner circle and air hole. The Goebel mark is imprinted there and it is a dark V with a big bee inside. The wings on the bee are raised above the top of the V. The other markings in the outer circle are “Copn W. Goebel” and “Germany.” There is the number 200 imprinted (possibly 200/1 but it is hard to see.)

I would love help in identifying this piece, possible value and date of creation!

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