Urban myhts and legends – What do you think about these?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by robot_zombie_monkey
A bunch of us went out to St. Johns to visit Eric’s (and Ben’s) chicks. This was their second time outside and they were having a grand old time.

Question by : Urban myhts and legends – What do you think about these?
What do you think about these true or false, yes i know some are common sense and some are totally repulsive and some just plain wacky these are some i have collected over the years writ down and stored away in my box of myths time to see which are true and false!

1. Dr. pepper drink reduces sperm cell creation?
2. If you drink too much water your body floods and you leak water
3. Saying Macbethh in the mirror 5 times into a mirror she can appear in front of you and steal your soul?
4.McDonald’ss makes ur penis shrink?
5. Owning and loving your dog makes you live longer?
6. Eating pumpkin seeds increases your testorone levels and penis size?
7. Eating brown silent crickets makes u smarter?
8. If you strap 2 cats to each others backs and throw them off a roof the tape shall break and they will go next to eachother then the tape will go back befor they fall “cat always land on their feet”.
9. Having sex on a plane gives you bad luck?
10. If you eat too much blue cheese you turn mouldy?
11. If you eat too much of any type of seed you will have a tree growing inside of you?
12. If you taste human flesh you can never stop eating it?
13. If you fired a chicken out of a cannonn and it burtn alive it would still be moving for 10 minutes?
14. Their was a chicken who got the head chopped off and lived for a while week
15. The film “wrong turn” is actually a true story and their are still cannabils out where it was set?

If you would like to see more of these strange myths and urban legens please post when you post your answers and if you dont say no

I have TONS more and i have found these while i was on holiday and looking through the net etc i know alot are strange but oh well.

Good Luck :]!

What do you think? Answer below!

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4 Responses to Urban myhts and legends – What do you think about these?

  1. Im thinking none of these are true…

    July 7, 2012 at 12:50 am

  2. pumpkin seeds stock will go up

    July 7, 2012 at 1:02 am

  3. 1. Dr. pepper drink reduces sperm cell creation?

    False, although Coke and Diet Coke have been proven to kill sperm very effectively once they’ve left your body.

    2. If you drink too much water your body floods and you leak water

    False, although you may cause a potentially fatal swelling of the brain by drinking too much water.

    3. Saying Macbethh in the mirror 5 times into a mirror she can appear in front of you and steal your soul?

    Bollocks. However, saying the name of ‘the scottish play’ while inside a theatre won’t being you any friends – It’s said to be unlucky.

    4.McDonald’ss makes ur penis shrink?

    Nonsense, although being grossly overweight from stuffing too much fast food in your gob may reduce the little guys performance a bit.

    5. Owning and loving your dog makes you live longer?


    6. Eating pumpkin seeds increases your testorone levels and penis size?


    7. Eating brown silent crickets makes u smarter?


    8. If you strap 2 cats to each others backs and throw them off a roof the tape shall break and they will go next to eachother then the tape will go back befor they fall “cat always land on their feet”.


    9. Having sex on a plane gives you bad luck?

    Depends if you’re the one supposed to be flying it.

    10. If you eat too much blue cheese you turn mouldy?


    11. If you eat too much of any type of seed you will have a tree growing inside of you?

    False. Your digestive juices should take care of it.

    12. If you taste human flesh you can never stop eating it?

    Interesting question. Some accounts of cannibalism by South Sea tribesmen in the 19th century do indicate that they thoroughly enjoyed their meals and were disappointed when they couldn’t get hold of fresh human meat.

    13. If you fired a chicken out of a cannonn and it burtn alive it would still be moving for 10 minutes?


    14. Their was a chicken who got the head chopped off and lived for a while week

    False. A chicken with its head cut off doesn’t ‘live’ as such. It’s just the reflexes still operating the body once they head’s gone. It only lasts a few moments.

    15. The film “wrong turn” is actually a true story and their are still cannabils out where it was set?

    No, it’s fiction. No idea if you get cannibals in West Virginia, but it does seem to be a popular setting for weird movies: Silent Hill is set in West Virginia, likewise Mothman, and parts of Silence of the Lambs are set there too.

    July 7, 2012 at 1:59 am

  4. 14 is partially true. When the person who had the chicken was going to cut its head off to cook it, she wanted as much of the neck as possible. When the knife came down it came down to high and cut off part of the head. part of the brain was still there and that allowed the chicken to live. It died a few years later after choking on a corn kernel

    Eric L
    July 7, 2012 at 2:02 am

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