How do you raise a baby turtle?

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Image by rjnagle
At Olya’s dacha, her father raises bees as a side business. Here he demonstrates how to retrieve the honey from the honey combs.

Question by : How do you raise a baby turtle?
i would like to own a turtle, preferably a tiny one. i think thoes are snapping turtles? im not too sure hahah. but the only problem is, i dont know how too. i have a large sized bowl which i keep fish in and i was wondering if that would bee okay. and i wasnt sure if you needed like a heating lamp or like a fancy tank or whatever. i also would like to know what they eat and if they can live with fish. if its aqatic, does it live completely underwater? or should i put like big rocks in the bowl or tank so it can get air? pleasee guidde mee soo i do nott kill my soon to bee babyyy turtleee 🙂

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7 Responses to How do you raise a baby turtle?

  1. feed it ………………………. lettuce?? i dont know

    July 2, 2012 at 10:48 am

  2. feed it

    July 2, 2012 at 11:01 am

  3. feed it

    July 2, 2012 at 11:34 am

  4. not all little turtles are snapping turtles. my turtle is little and he is a mud turtle (his name’s Posideon.) I’m quite the expert on turtles. i do my research. You don’t need a heating lamp if you put the tank in front of the window. you might want a ten gallon tank with a lid to keep your turtle happy.lids are kind of important because turtles are fast and smart so they have good escaping skills.They eat fish, fruit, vegetables, shrimp, and flowers. never give him oranges though. Citrus fruit can burn the eyes badly. so he can’t live with fish. he will eat them. if it is aquatic, it still needs to breathe and it can come out on land for quite a long time. He needs a filter, rocks, (floating land segment) and tiny pebbles for the bottom of the tank. have a nice turtle!! 🙂

    July 2, 2012 at 12:08 pm

  5. i used to keep turtles and found they to spend most of there time in the water. but you will need a rock that sticks out the water or an island that has side which are sloped into the water . you need these so they can bask ( sun bath) as this helps there shell keep it strength, the type of bulb you require is a sunglow bulb. they eat without insulting you turtle food which you can get from most pet shop in tubs like you would buy fish food ( but obveously not fish food). the water in your tank needs to be heated the same as tropical fish. you can keep some fish with your turtle but some can not handle the waste from turtlesand your turtle is likely to eat them. i used to keep zebre danios with mine and they seemed fine and were fast enough not to be eaten. you must also make sure you have good filter as turtles do produce alot of waste. i hope this is ok for you there is possibly not a great deal more you need to Know apart from they are very easy to keep and be prepared for them to grow to the size of a dinner plate. have fun.

    July 2, 2012 at 12:13 pm

  6. OK so ill tell the main things of owning a turtle. If you want a small turtle get a baby red eared slider, its okay to keep it in a bowl if you clean it a lot, fill it up a little more than half way and put enough rocks for it to get out of the water on one end, and feed it turtle pellets, gold fish, and lettuce.

    Cody W
    July 2, 2012 at 12:14 pm

  7. First, go to the pet shop or book store and get the book by De Vosjoli on red-eared sliders and other aquatic turtles. It only costs a few dollars and will keep you from making some of the mistakes that some of the answerers are suggesting you make. At the same time, watch for people giving large tanks away. A bowl just won’t cut it. You will probably need a heating lamp, UV-B lamp, and aquarium heater unless you are raising a snapper.

    July 2, 2012 at 12:27 pm

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