How often do I have to feed my chickens?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by clspeace
Day 1 of Roid Week 2011.

Happy ‘Roid Week!

Question by Haley S: How often do I have to feed my chickens?
Do I always have food out and they eat when they please or do I feed them twice a day like you would a dog?

What do you think? Answer below!

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6 Responses to How often do I have to feed my chickens?

  1. We used to scatter food for our chickens when I was growing up and if I remember right we did it it morning and evening, but I have a neighbor now that just free feeds by filling the dish once every morning, so I imagine either method will work.

    July 2, 2012 at 11:34 am

  2. I have 6 hens. I feed them in the morning, grains, veggies or fruit, crushed oyster shell and grit. In the mid-afternoon I feed them scratch (corn) to keep them warm through the night. And of course, always fresh water with a garlic clove in it to keep them free of parasites.

    professor grey
    July 2, 2012 at 12:24 pm

  3. I leave the feed out all day. I ensure they have their layers mash/meal/pellets mixed with grit in the mornings and if I have any treats for them, I tend to give these in an afternoon as I know then that they’ve had the required nutrients from their staple feed.

    Chickens should always have access to feed, water, grit and room to forage and roam.

    July 2, 2012 at 1:02 pm

  4. My daughter has a feeder constantly available for her chickens. They are also free roam chickens, so they do get a lot of their food the natural way, and my daughter has a pretty good insect control for her property.

    July 2, 2012 at 1:24 pm

  5. I would at 10-11 am feed your chickens but do not scatter on floor, it attracts rats. But if you want eggs leave out in a hopper layers pellets. Make sure they get fresh water every day. Feed them bread and cake (soaked otherwise it gets stuck in their throats). Also feed them corn, sunflower seeds and even wild bird food.

    Need anymore info? Email me at

    July 2, 2012 at 2:02 pm

  6. You should leave food out all the time, I have a feeder of scratch grains and a feeder of layer crumbles in my coops at all times. Actually if you keep them full, they will eat less. B/c if they are hungry they will eat and eat and it will take a while for their brain to catch up with their stomach that they are full, but if you keep food at all times, they will eat a little here and there and not over eat. Also, always keep fresh water out, not just once a day, all day and all night.

    July 2, 2012 at 2:32 pm

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