Permaculture Hugelkultur Swale on Contour – June 2012

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This is a chronicle documentary of the creation of a permaculture hugelkultur swale on contour. The theory is that once this is built and matured over a year or two that it will not need irrigation or watering… ever… in theory. This bed is 6×16 with a 2′ peak. Each side is 4′ long from ground to peak making the plantable surface area to be 8×16 thus increasing the surface area due to the mounding of soil as opposed to the normal flat garden. We have 6 – 4×4 beds (96 sqft). This 6×16 (96 sqft) which is actually closer to 8×16 due to the mounding effect is more like (128 sqft) – you can feel free to correct my math this is all estimation anyway. I can’t wait to see how it performs over the next few seasons!

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