How to process the chickens and ducks I raise?

Filed under: Poultry |

raising ducks
Image by failing_angel
Tufted duck (aythya fuligula) of the family anatidae.
The tufted duck is a medium-sized diving duck, smaller than a mallard. It is black on the head, neck, breast and back and white on the sides. It has a small crest and a yellow eye. In flight it shows an obvious white stripe across the back of the wing. It breeds in the UK across lowland areas of England, Scotland and Ireland, but less commonly in Wales, with most birds being residents. Numbers increase in the UK in winter because of birds moving to the UK from Iceland and northern Europe.
[RSPB website]

Crystal Palace Park came from the Penge Place estate when, in 1854, the Crystal Palace was moved from Hyde Park (where it was set up in 1851 for The Great Exhibition).
The Crystal Palace was designed by Joseph Paxton, who also played a role in the relocation and designing the new site with its Italian gardens and terraces.
The area waned in the late c19th, and despite hosting the Festival of Empire in 1911, the managing company declared bankruptcy. In 1913 the Earl of Plymouth purchased it to save it, and a public supscription was raised to purchase it for the nation.
It was a naval training ground during the Great War, after which it was the first Imperial War Museum.
The 1920s saw a programme of restoration and rejuvenation, but 30 November 1936 an office fire broke out and the building burned down.
Since then the Park has hosted various events and partial development. Today it is primarily a public park.

Taken in Crystal Palace

Question by : How to process the chickens and ducks I raise?
I want to raise a few chickens (15) and a few ducks (5). When they are big enough I would like to hire someone to kill and defeather them. Where/How would I find someone to do this?

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4 Responses to How to process the chickens and ducks I raise?

  1. The guy you buy the chicken and ducks from should be able to point you in the right direction, or may offer to do it for you for a fee. Or ask a local farmer. Or call the local abbatoir and see if they could direct you.

    June 26, 2012 at 1:16 am

  2. DIY. Sharp knife, let the blood drain, and start plucking.

    Jim W
    June 26, 2012 at 1:57 am

  3. Phlox, Here’s all you do… Chop their heads off with a had axe, pluck all the feathers off, stick a sharp knife up their butte & split them open up to their breast bone, reach in and pull the guts out & thoroughly wash the insides with water. And there ya go. Easy! No charge! :<)

    June 26, 2012 at 2:07 am

  4. 4H clubs, Cooperative Extension, or feed store. (Me, if I lived closer)

    June 26, 2012 at 2:33 am

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