Can you turn a parked car into a solar panel?

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How does solar heating work? Funny thought experiment on how to turn a parked car into a solar twin panel by increasing, step by step, the amount of solar energy that it will collect. Barry’s non-technical explanation of why DIY solar water heating can save energy is easy. If you want more techy stuff about solartwin solar panels, this is also on youtube. The best solar panels may sometimes be the simplest. Fewer solar components means greater system reliability. Enjoy seeing how does solar work for hot water heating!

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10 Responses to Can you turn a parked car into a solar panel?

  1. UK’s new RHI solar subsidy has not clarified if it will fund solar heat users on the basis of GROSS heat energy or NET (heat energy MINUS electrical energy use).

    A fraud in the UK Govt’s OWN solar heating certification scheme (MCS) actually REQUIRES solar installers to lie: to estimate inflated performance. ie gross energy.

    Say a system delivers 750 units of heat a year, and uses 75 units of electricity to run its pump. I’d expect to be quoted 675 (ie 750-75).

    But no, you MUST be quoted 750!

    June 25, 2012 at 4:27 pm

  2. There is an interesting discussion of the 20% carbon clawback problem which mains electric pumped solar water heating systems suffer from – the kafkaesque false claim from a leading UK solar trade association that all solar is “truly zero carbon” – when it is not – and the ever odder experience that UK’s false claims “ethical watchdog” will not bring them to heel for misleading the public, please take a look at my “solar cowboys” video.

    June 25, 2012 at 4:28 pm

  3. You can get it from Solartwin.

    June 25, 2012 at 4:52 pm

  4. Price is indeed the blocker. You can get a DIY kit for under £2500 but I completely agree that even this is far too high for the average consumer. And why is the crazy UK govt taxing VAT at 15% on renewable energy kits? If only the installed price were £1500 but we have suppliers and salaries to pay, and trade association memberships to pay on order to try to stop innovation and lower cost solar being manoevered completely off the market. I’d love to make it cheaper!

    June 25, 2012 at 5:14 pm

  5. Nice video nice idea………£3400? you can buy alot of gas with that! This is a rich mans game fitting solar! If the product was £1500 fitted yes people would go for it but it is still out of the average persons budget! What i dont understand is why do alot of homes in the poorest parts of the world have solar panels on top of their flat roofs they must be alot cheaper to buy!! The UK is a rip off! A few glass tubes some copper pipe a couple of guys all installed in a day £3400 please…lol

    June 25, 2012 at 6:09 pm

  6. I am all for free and cheap alternative energy soucres! More power to ya! 🙂

    June 25, 2012 at 6:42 pm

  7. Thanks hanzakbar, the answer is twofold. First cost per unit of energy stored. Supercapacitors are expensive compared to bateries, which ate themselves expensive. Second they lose a little energy over time. Over a few days it is negligible, but ofer half a year or more it can be substantial.

    June 25, 2012 at 7:38 pm

  8. In my A levels course i have read about the Capacitors. Now, why not every one keep bundles of capacitors which stores energy in summer which can be used in summer as well as Winter.. Like ants come out in summer and gather food so they can survive the winter season in which they are likely to come out.

    June 25, 2012 at 8:19 pm

  9. Thanks gordoncam1, we are trying to get solar demystified and I really appreciate your feedback.

    June 25, 2012 at 8:58 pm

  10. this gave me some good ideas. thank you  :0)

    June 25, 2012 at 9:26 pm

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