European Heirloom Cantaloupe or Melon Charentais

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Ii’s interesting that the European Heirloom Cantaloupe has decided to make a home for one of its melons on the cucumber trellis. Also, it apears I do not have enough space for the cantaloupe vines overall. It’s the end of July and I wonder when we’ll harvest our first melons.

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4 Responses to European Heirloom Cantaloupe or Melon Charentais

  1. We probably did water them a bit too much but what really was the problem was sunlight. They were in a niche and didn’t get much sunlight at all.

    June 15, 2012 at 9:41 pm

  2. Could be too much water. As the melons approach their ripening date, try watering them just enough to keep them from wilting too much. This should help to make the melons sweeter. Some books even recommend covering the root zone with plastic sheeting to keep out excessive rainfall.

    June 15, 2012 at 10:06 pm

  3. Strangely enough the Cantaloupe on the cucumber trellis was the only one sweet enough to be eaten after harvest. We have much better things to say about how our tomatoes, cucumbers, and blackberries turned out.

    June 15, 2012 at 10:21 pm

  4. cool how did you make out with the cantaloupe

    June 15, 2012 at 11:10 pm

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