Can I bottle feed my puppies goat milk?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by terriem
Everything is clean, and all of the clamps and other parts are stored in the clean sink for the next milking.

Question by : Can I bottle feed my puppies goat milk?
There about two weeks, but the mother dog doesnt seem to like her puppies. So shes not feeding them, and i try to put her in the whelping box w. Her puppies and she just jumps out. I’m not sure of what to do anymore but i heard i can feed them goat milk? Please help me.

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4 Responses to Can I bottle feed my puppies goat milk?

  1. Go ahead and use goat milk. Use whole goat milk, not reduced fat or sweetened condensed goat milk. Then contact your vet for what to add to be sure puppies have the right calories and protein. Goats milk doesn’t have enough of either.

    I agree with the link below. We had a bit better luck using goats milk than using the commercial puppy milk. However, the protein/calorie amounts differ depending on the breed, which may be why some puppy breeds don’t do well on the commercial puppy milk.

    June 15, 2012 at 4:02 am

  2. It would be wise not to, it does not provide proper nutrition.

    Recipe 1 –
    13 oz. canned evaporated milk
    13 oz water
    4 oz. plain yogurt (1/2 cup)
    4 egg yolks
    1 tablespoon of liquid vitamins* (check with vet)
    *If you are in a pinch you can leave out the vitamins.

    Recipe 2 –
    10 oz. canned evaporated milk
    3 oz. water
    1 raw egg yolk
    1 cup of whole plain yogurt
    1/2 Tsp Karo Syrup or Corn Syrup

    Recipe 3 –
    8 oz of water
    8 oz evaporated milk
    1 beaten egg yolk
    1 tablespoon corn syrup

    Any of those are good, and its made with things that are usually in our cupboard. Always make sure its warm though when you feed them.

    I had a dog with milk fever and raised 8 puppies on the first formula recipe. They were fat happy and HUGE.

    Good luck.

    Taylor Smith
    June 15, 2012 at 4:40 am

  3. Call a vet before the mother gets sick with mastitis and the pups start to fail.

    June 15, 2012 at 5:15 am

  4. They need puppy milk replacement formula. I assume all have been checked by a vet and you have clipped the puppy’s nails? And that you are weighing them all every 12 hours and keeping track? Tracking their weight is the only way to know for sure they are not getting enough to eat- all pups should gain a little each 24 hour period. If they are, and they seem content, no need to supplement.

    June 15, 2012 at 5:43 am

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