Have you heard of a chicken leash?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by caffeina

Question by : Have you heard of a chicken leash?
chickens need to free range in urban city backyard. worried about them running / flying away and getting eaten by cats/dogs/cars . so two options:
1) clipping wings – but can still run away
2) chicken leash. use a chicken leg ring around the chicken’s leg with a very long piece of string/light rope tied to a tree. so chicken can run around the backyard but cant run/fly away.

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3 Responses to Have you heard of a chicken leash?

  1. Tethering is what that is called and it’s unpleasant for the animal. If they are going to free range and you expect them to stay in the yard, fence it in.

    a chick
    June 7, 2012 at 4:50 pm

  2. chickens dont fly usually. at least, they don’t take off like a pigeon.

    if you went with your first option to clip their wings, you just fence them in. but still, a dog or cat could jump in the fence and kill them, it’s not like a chicken purposely walks up to a dog and forces the dog to bite it or the bird doesn’t just put it’s head in a cat or dogs mouth…

    I have cats and chickens together and they don’t bother each other. make sure your cat is fed well. i guess it depends on the room they all have to roam and the age of the cat.

    now, dogs, i had two dogs attack birds sometimes. one dog only attacked like 2 chickens and the other dog, attacked two roosters (or roosters fighting for their hens) and 6 female hen birds. keep the dogs away from them till they are trained to be used to them. some dogs never can get used to them. it’s not the type of dog. the dog that attacked mine were not bird dogs, nor trained to kill birds, they just did out of instinct.

    and even in the urban areas, people don’t always let their birds free-range. urban is country like keith urban, and you put “free range in urban city backyard”. in the urban areas, there is no backyard πŸ˜‰ it’s all just land.

    tying a chicken to a tree sounds wrong. AND i hope you don’t leave it tied to a tree all night, it will be attacked by predators other than cats and dogs. like raccoons or possums or wolves or coyotes.

    June 7, 2012 at 5:39 pm

  3. Ξ₯es β€€β€€β€€

    June 7, 2012 at 5:57 pm

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