Should we forsake sustainable practices in agriculture?

Filed under: Self Reliance |

sustainable agriculture
Image by friendsoffamilyfarmers

Question by scipro3001: Should we forsake sustainable practices in agriculture?
fuel and energy production, and energy conserving technology, because man-made Global Warming is a hoax?

If Yes, why?

If not, what is the sense in denying it, when the results are going to be the same?

Add your own answer in the comments!

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5 Responses to Should we forsake sustainable practices in agriculture?

  1. read up about the fall of all major early civilizations.. (eg the Mayans) they pretty much had to leave their area as they OVER MANAGED their land.

    there is NO SUCH THING as “sustainable” practices as long as the population keeps growing!!!!

    you can deny Global Warming – but what about all the other problems like deforestation, urban sprawl, pollution, increases in childhood asthema and leukemia?? all caused by the same things that cause Global Warming..

    basically there are 2 problems – TOO MANY PEOPLE!!!!

    June 3, 2012 at 7:39 pm

  2. If there is nothing we can do to stop global warming, I think conserving energy and using wind, solar, and hydro power are good anyways. First of all conserving energy saves us money. Second, all of those polluting type fuels (Hydrocarbons) are going to run out, and only cost us more as the companies drilling for them as they get harder to reach, charge more (our soaring gas prices).
    Basically the only reason we keep fossil fuel use AT ALL is becase it has been cheap and easy to grab. That will change, and isn’t even a good reason to use it anyways.

    Brian P
    June 3, 2012 at 8:27 pm

  3. Some of these replies are silly. There are not too many people on the Earth. There are SOME areas that are congested, but there is so much wide open area that could be used to sustain so many more people that it’s silly to suggest otherwise.

    The people who run around preaching that there are “too many miserable greedy people” out there seem pretty miserable to me already.

    I think it is good to research a wide variety of agriculture practices, sustainable or not. It is by knowing the consequences, benefits and consequences of each practice, that we can make the best decisions.

    The idea that man has caused global warming may or may not be accurate–since the experts are all out quibbling about it, I as a lay person can not claim to know the final answer. Socrates said that one huge flaw people make is to be more sure than the evidence allows.

    Since MOST of the greenhouse gases produced by man are a result of energy production, why does everyone focus on the big bad automobile (or large SUV)? We burn an awwwwwful lot of coal, and we could replace all those greenhouse gases with cleaner, safer nuclear power. HMmmmm

    *** BEST ANSWER! ***

    r w
    June 3, 2012 at 9:21 pm

  4. foolishness and greed drive the beliefs that Global Warming is a hoax, but my question to these people is:

    Where is it that you intend to live and raise your family if its your greed and stupidy that has contributed to this problem for everyone on the Great planet Earth?

    Do you know of someplace, other than living on this planet? If you do, care to share it with the rest of the world?

    We would be very interested in knowing what your points of view are regarding this very important survival issue! (for all of life on this planet)

    Thank you

    Headless Horseman
    June 3, 2012 at 10:21 pm

  5. global warming is not a hoax. people deny it because they are benefited by energy production that causes global warming. if they are not benefited anymore, that is the time they will start that global warming is real

    pao d
    June 3, 2012 at 10:22 pm

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