Backyard woods & garden: make peace with bugs, or get rid of them?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by luckylab8: Backyard woods & garden: make peace with bugs, or get rid of them?
I know there are beneficial bugs like ladybugs, which is fine with me, but what about the biting, stinging stuff?

We have everything from mosquitos, to bees, to black widow spiders. Our yard is part woods, part lawn, part raised planter beds. The woods are full of spiders and other creepy crawly things. I would like to enjoy the shade and serenity of the woods, so do I have to accept the bugs as part of the deal, or is there a way to repel them from wooded areas? I’d prefer non-toxic means, if possible.

(Especially the black widows–yuck! I’m afraid my dog will get bitten.)

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5 Responses to Backyard woods & garden: make peace with bugs, or get rid of them?

  1. I have a defogger I spray in the morning about once every 6 weeks. It works great on mosquitos without killing the frogs. I have the same conditions but no spiders.

    You can buy the little cans of fogging sprays at the store. They work but my lot is too big. Good luck!

    June 3, 2012 at 2:45 pm

  2. They have foggers and sprays available that are suitable for the environment, but it almost has to have some toxidity to kill the bugs. Check at Home Depot/Lowe’s or a Feed/Seed type of store to see if they have something you’d like to use. Black widows are very dangerous. Not only your dog, but you could get bitten. My daughter did, and it was very scary….go ahead and get rid of ’em.

    June 3, 2012 at 2:48 pm

  3. Make peace.

    1) Remove all standing water help mosquito control.

    2) Remove all piles of debris, helps with black widow control.

    3) Bees are probably just visiting flowers for nectar/pollen.

    Your dog won’t get bitten by black widows.

    Jimmy J
    June 3, 2012 at 3:37 pm

  4. Black widows like dark, dry places. Do like Jimmy said and get rid of piles of debris, although in my neck of the woods, you’re most likely to find black widows inside storerooms, pumphouses, and the like.

    Most of the flying, stinging insects are also what pollinate your flowers. They’ll leave you alone unless you accidently step on one barefoot or touch one while fooling with your plants.

    June 3, 2012 at 3:46 pm

  5. Some bugs are very crucial for us and some are not. I think by cleaning up backyard woods and garden properly we can get rid of bugs nicely. Thanks 🙂

    Mike English
    June 4, 2012 at 3:30 am

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