2009 Garden Vlog 9, A Total Overview

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A tour of my veggie garden. Filmed on June 19th.

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25 Responses to 2009 Garden Vlog 9, A Total Overview

  1. I always have plenty of grass clippings to much everything down with. This helps tremendously. I quit putting the clippings on in mid summer. By late summer I usually start getting quite a few weeds but it doesn’t matter so much by then.

    May 29, 2012 at 4:30 am

  2. i never see weeds on ur garden ? what did u do ?

    May 29, 2012 at 4:54 am

  3. Thanks Anthony! The only thing I’ve ever canned is beans. I’ve not had enough beans in several years to be able to do any canning. I *might* have enough this year. If I do I’ll see if I can do a bean canning vid. I’ll probably be freezing some corn this year but that that’s pretty straightforward. Basically you boil the ears for about 12 minutes, cool it, and freeze it.

    May 29, 2012 at 5:12 am

  4. Hey Blink….love your videos! Do you can much of your produce? If so, a canning feature would be great!

    May 29, 2012 at 5:36 am

  5. Boy Scouts Honor? Not a word? The only dilemma I have is that those chipmunks are derned quick… if I COULD catch one… I’m thinking spaying wouldn’t be the first thing I’d consider ;O)

    May 29, 2012 at 5:43 am

  6. If one were to assume that Noah were looking down from up above at this ark thing we could also probably assume that he would frown on any critters purposely left off off the ark. He might be pissed if any of the animals which he originally saved were left off for whatever reason. This is where a good vet who can spay and neuter pretty much anything comes in handy. Take the chipmunks to the vet and have them fixed prior to cast off and no one will be the wiser:))) I won’t breath a word.

    May 29, 2012 at 5:57 am

  7. Do I have to put two chipmunks as well? Those pesky critters are wreaking havoc with my flowers. That is where the kittycats come in handy. Three of my neighbors had cats that were great hunters but … the cats aren’t here any more sad to say.

    May 29, 2012 at 6:30 am

  8. LOL, leave it to you to find a “That’s what she said” moment in one of my garden vids:)

    The beard crud was MUCH more impressive on the non-pixelated version on my computer that YouTube didn’t have it’s way with:)

    May 29, 2012 at 7:19 am

  9. Thanks Diana!!!

    May 29, 2012 at 8:01 am

  10. Best of luck with your garden Becca! I had to put a small temporary chicken wire fence to keep the rabbits out of the beans I replanted because of too much rain (not these beans in my corn). The beans in my corn continue to look really good. I do wish I’d spaced the area between the double rows at 4 feet instead of 3 because picking the beans would have been easier. It’s going to be a tight fit getting in there but I’ll get it done:)

    May 29, 2012 at 8:03 am

  11. Thanks DearURG!!!

    May 29, 2012 at 8:19 am

  12. “A little bigger and a little straighter…” Yeah, I’m guessing Gov. James McGreevey’s wife is hoping for some of that for herself next season too.
    Just a hunch.

    Those really are all coming in beautifully!
    Even the beard crud.

    May 29, 2012 at 8:48 am

  13. it’s looking good !!

    May 29, 2012 at 9:38 am

  14. Well you may reassure your four footed friends that the recipe does not call for cat heads! LOL!

    May 29, 2012 at 9:44 am

  15. I never thought about planting beans so close to corn. I will be watching to see how that comes out. Its a good idea to save space in your garden thats for sure. My garden is looking good this year now that we have a fence around it to keep the rabbits out. Keep up all the good work you do!

    May 29, 2012 at 10:43 am

  16. very nice!

    May 29, 2012 at 11:38 am

  17. My garden has been organic for the last 4 seasons. I was looking for folk magic:-)  Thanks anyway!

    May 29, 2012 at 12:30 pm

  18. Well apparently you work it off enough in summer that it balances. But more veggies in winter might be good too. Beans freeze well, as does corn and peppers, but they are only good for cooking – not for eating raw. Peppers I just wash, cut up and throw into a ziplock. You can actually freeze them whole if you don’t have time & cut them as you use them.Just take more room. Yeah, I’d be interested in knowing how freezing tomatoes works – never tried that. I freeze almost anything else though.

    May 29, 2012 at 1:19 pm

  19. Be sure and put two cats and two rats on it. We wouldn’t want to deprive future generations of the joys of cat ownership. Plus the cats need their play toys. Also be sure and not let the cats play with the rats before the rats multiply:)

    May 29, 2012 at 2:03 pm

  20. So *you’re* the one who swiped all my rain!!! Actually it’s *really* dried up here the last couple of weeks. I’d like *some* of the rain back please!!! Yep, the weather is seldom perfect for us gardeners.

    May 29, 2012 at 2:09 pm

  21. I politely ask the ants to stay out of my garden and so far it’s been a pretty successful strategy, LOL. But seriously I’ve never had a problem with ants. Way in the past I’ve had a few anthills which weren’t in the garden that I put “Diazinon” granules on and it wiped them out with no problem. It’s of course a pesticide and I have no idea how safe it would be as far as garden use. It’s commonly available. For sure I’d use it sparingly. I’ve always hated using pesticides in the garden.

    May 29, 2012 at 2:18 pm

  22. Those beans in my corn are still looking really good. The jury is still out on how they’ll do though. Last year I only got two pickings of beans so it really wasn’t even worth the effort to plant them. My replanted beans came up on Sunday and are about 2″ tall already. Surely with all the beans I’ve got planted *something* good will happen, LOL.

    Squash and cucumbers are the only two crops I can depend on year in and year out.

    May 29, 2012 at 3:08 pm

  23. I’m thinking of building an ark!!! YIKES!

    May 29, 2012 at 3:32 pm

  24. We are getting the rain you sent to us, thank you very much!!! LOL

    May 29, 2012 at 4:07 pm

  25. I practice your bean theory too, but my beans look like hell this year.

    My tomatos are 6 foot and I still aint getting any squash or cucumbers! How do you get rid of ants?

    May 29, 2012 at 4:43 pm

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