how to determine the sex of a broiler type chicken at 45 days?

Filed under: Poultry |

broiler chickens
Image by rastariza
fried, jerk, curry, fricasse 🙂

Question by : how to determine the sex of a broiler type chicken at 45 days?
please help. i would like to sell the males and keep the females. thank you for you help :))

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2 Responses to how to determine the sex of a broiler type chicken at 45 days?

  1. there are several ways to tell the sex. The first one is the combs. The ones with the larger combs are usually male. The females will be smaller and less defined at this age. However the best way I have found is to vent check them. Pick up each chick and check the pubic bones (small bones very much like a bump) . You will feel them just to either the side of the popper or slightly above. Those that are close together, where you can get only a pencil or finger sized area between are male. Those that are further, maybe two fingers between are female. If you don’t feel comfortable checking the bones, try the feather meathod, those with pointed feathers around the neck are male and those rounded are female.
    Hope this helps. Good luck

    May 23, 2012 at 2:43 am

  2. The ones with the combs are males females don’t have combs

    May 23, 2012 at 3:23 am

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