job/brain storming ideas…. question about sales?

Filed under: Bees |

Question by Lady Godiva: job/brain storming ideas…. question about sales?
i have my own list of ideas of how to make alittle extra money, but i wanted to know some other ways.
i would like limited amount of internet website answers.(like web sites that make money) they’re welcomed, but i’d like different varity of answers.
but any ideas are welcomed.
some of mine (if you know anything about them,or how well they work, please do share):
pure romance consultant
selling my art ( i have my own line of drawings/tattoo art)
selling my veggies (we live on a farm and have gardens)
being a groom/working at stable (worked with horses before)
selling bee products (we raise bees on our farm, and make bee products.

it’s a short list, i’d like some thinking out side the box answers, thanks!

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One Response to job/brain storming ideas…. question about sales?

  1. OK, so don’t fall for those Internet website scams. I think your veggie idea is great! Also the bee products is an amazing idea! You can also try selling your art, but I can tell you from personal experience that in this market it won’t sell. With the veggies, see if there is a farmers market organization in your community. Also set up a stand and when people pull up “sell” your products. Tell them they are organic (if they truly are), tell them how you grow them and so on. Then with the bee products you can contact a chemist in your area and they can help you come up with formulas to turn it into candles, lip gloss, make up, wood polish, and much more. I really think you have some great ideas! Good job, I think no matter what you pick you will succeed, because you seem very creative. Good luck, and I hope it all works out for you!

    Rhoda K
    April 28, 2012 at 8:17 pm

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