can you give me your advice on giving goat milk to a baby?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by kidmissile
We don’t get points for presentation, but this was delicious. We had a goat milk ice cream sandwich at American Harvest Eatery last week, featuring ingredients from several local farmers. So we wanted to recreate it for our anniversary dinner.

-goat milk ice cream
-lemon olive oil cookies, modified from a saffron olive oil cookie recipe in Bittman’s HtCE:Veg
-lemon/blueberry sauce (berries handpicked by us from local Jefferies Orchard’s)

The ice cream has more of a gelato texture, because the goat milk was not as rich as the milk/creme combo we’d normally use in a custard. And the goat milk flavor was not strong. However, when you put everything together, the individual flavors played off each other, helping to intensify each one. You could then really taste the goat milk, along with the blueberries, lemon, and olive oil.

The other courses of the dinner consisted of:

-peach gazpacho w/ feta mint crostini
-grilled ahi tuna steaks
-roasted corn risotto w/ white truffle oil

No pics of the rest because I was too busy enjoying the dinner with Kristina. Both the gazpacho and risotto were inspired by similar dishes from the local flavors dinner.

Question by : can you give me your advice on giving goat milk to a baby?
I went to pediatrician who said that I could try to give my 9 months old daughter goat milk I thought that there is only whole goat milk, but there is also skimmed one. Does anyone give your baby goat milk and if so which one whole or skimmed one?

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4 Responses to can you give me your advice on giving goat milk to a baby?

  1. Give it to a baby goat. No kidding.

    April 26, 2012 at 4:34 pm

  2. Whole milk is normally better for babies and younger children as it has the fat left in it. This is good for them as they are growning up. It is there same with cows milk, they suggest younger children only drink whole full fat milk

    ♥one angel,and due Oct 2010♥
    April 26, 2012 at 5:23 pm

  3. Goats milk is actually much easier for the body to digest, than cow’s milk. I’m just owndering why the pediatrician is suggesting that a 9 month old infant would be placed on milk several months earlier than recommended. (The infant should have breastmilk or formula until 1 year old.)

    Whole is better for toddlers than skim, as toddlers (& infants) need to consume an increased amount of fat – it’s absolutely necessary for them – that is one of the reasons why infant and toddler foods are specially made the way they are.


    April 26, 2012 at 5:42 pm

  4. I believe that you should always give a baby whole milk. The fat content is needed for some vitamins to be digested. There are also other reasons for using only whole fat milk that are too numerous to put here.

    April 26, 2012 at 5:46 pm

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