Image by laurenipsum
Chickens love pasture!
We moved the chicks to pasture on Sunday during a slight break in the rain. They’d been on grass in their brooder, at home, but it’s been so cool and rainy that we kept them at home longer than would be ideal, and the grass was mostly gone — eaten, dug up, pooped on. So when we moved them, they were SO excited! They immediately started running around, digging holes in which to take a dust bath (that’s why there’s a chicken on its side in the foreground, with its foot on its neighbor — that is imminent dustbathification), and going crazy eating grass and bugs and whatnot (like the first two in the front).
Question by rettmank: Can you cook chicken drumsticks in a broiler?
I was just wondering if you could cook smallish chicken drumsticks in a broiler or will it cause the outside to burn to get the inside cooked in time?
Then how come my cook book says that you can broil chicken drumsticks but everyone else says no
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No. The bone in the legs or wings will slow the interior cooking too much. It would be better to roast them. The broiler is mainly used for steaks and fish. Sometimes it can be used for carmelizing sugar for creme brulles.
Mustang Driver
April 16, 2012 at 10:55 am