What things need to be done/happen throughout the year on a goat farm?

Filed under: Goats |

Question by : What things need to be done/happen throughout the year on a goat farm?
What things are done at what point during the year on a goat farm?
A calendar of operations so to speak…

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2 Responses to What things need to be done/happen throughout the year on a goat farm?

  1. in the autunm (sept – oct) goats come into season this is when the can be mated. then in this spring(feb- march) they have their kids

    April 16, 2012 at 4:42 am

  2. 2-4 weeks before the does kid, give them a booster shot for C,D&T (enterotoximia C&D strains and tetanus). If gastrointestinal worms are a problem in your area, worm the does as well to control the pre-partum rise in worm numbers. If you use a sheep wormer, increase the dosage to 1.5 since goats metabolize wormers faster than do sheep.

    When the kids are approximately 7-14 days old and the horn buttons are approximately 1/8-1/4 inch tall, disbud them. A dehorning iron is best for both you and them. Burn a ring around the bud until the skin turns copper colored. They’ll cry, but within minutes they’ll be back playing and nursing. Burning is much more humane than is removing the horns with piano wire, gouges and so on. If the horns are left on, they’ll get their heads caught in fences, making them a setting duck for predators. They’ll also use them on each other and my mom has had pregnant does abort after a horned doe slammed her horns into the pregnant doe’s side.

    At approximately 1 month of age, give the kids their first CD&T shot followed by a booster2-4 weeks later.

    If you live in a humid climate of the Midwest, east, southeast or Pacific northwest of the US, worm the kids at approximately 30 day intervals. For early spring born kids, look at the first of June, July, August and September. Try to worm the does as little as possible to stave off parasite resistance to wormers, but don’t let them suffer health wise. Look up FAMACHA for more information on how to determine who needs worming. Rotate wormers annually between the three chemical families. White family includes Valbazen, Safeguard, clear includes Tramisole, Levamasole and the ivermectine family includes Ivomectin, Cydectine (labeled as a cattle pour on but can be given orally to goats).

    Of course there’s lots and lots more, but that’s enough to digest for now.

    April 16, 2012 at 5:02 am

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