is it ok to feed chicken back to chickens mixed into there feed?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by Joe Shlabotnik
They spread disease? Chicken pox, I suppose.

Question by : is it ok to feed chicken back to chickens mixed into there feed?
a farmer i no takes his dead chickens out of the barns and all the chicken wast from the prossesing plant cooks them down mixes it back into the feed for the chickens is this not been outlawed was that not the cause of hoof and mouth in england some years ago

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9 Responses to is it ok to feed chicken back to chickens mixed into there feed?

  1. depends. Do you like eating people? Think about if you were a chicken, if you would enjoy eating chickens.

    Mr. Smiles
    April 13, 2012 at 5:30 pm


    April 13, 2012 at 5:44 pm

  3. that seems kinda cruel and disturbing, but i would think you wouldn’t feed chickens meat.

    April 13, 2012 at 5:55 pm

  4. It’s not okay to do this. Who knows if those dead chicks have bacteria or other diseases in their systems then you cook them down and feed them to the other chickens and now all the chickens have the diseases. Depending on where you live you could get in contact with your Department of Agriculture and report him. Especially if he sells the chickens that he is raising for meat or if their laying eggs and he sells those. There is no end to where the diseases could spread to!

    April 13, 2012 at 6:16 pm

  5. i would say no, but cooked eggs would be fine

    Morales Familee
    April 13, 2012 at 6:35 pm

  6. We have around 200 free range chickens, we raise for sale & eggs. Even though we don’t sell or use for the meat, we do not feed chicken meat to our chickens. We do throw out left overs to the chickens occasionally like grains,bread, veggies, fruit, cakes, & on occasion maybe some chili or stew with beef in it.
    Not a good idea at all to feed chicken to chickens. I certainly wouldn’t do it.

    When they need extra protein because they are molting their feathers we give them a meat source of deer, cow, or pork as a supplement. They don’t need too much protein, too much can burn their kidneys up. Just a very small amount a day.

    Dee Virginia
    April 13, 2012 at 6:38 pm

  7. Feeding dead chickens that have been collected from the barn and such wouldn’t be a good idea unless you know what the chicken died from. Even if it’s been cooked down you don’t know if what caused the death would be destroyed by cooking. However, feeding the offal from butchering, or feeding back leftover chicken is not a problem. It’s different than feeding cow back to cow because chickens are omnivores. In the wild they would eat a dead chicken if they found it. In captivity hens will kill and eat other hens chicks. They also hunt and eat carrion. Any kind of meat that you can consume they can. The chickens and the eggs are still fine to eat.

    The outbreak you are thinking of with cows is mad cow disease not hoof and mouth.

    EDIT: yes it is cannibalistic, chickens are cannibals. I do feed chicken back to chickens… leftovers from a bird I have cooked and eaten myself. I do not feed back any chickens I have found dead (which is rare).

    April 13, 2012 at 7:03 pm

  8. It is not a good practice and I believe you are correct, the Government outlawed feeding waste products back to the same animal. I would not feed eggs or even the shells back to a chicken. Oyster shell is not expensive and you don’t deserve chickens if you can’t properly care for them.

    Charles D. M.
    April 13, 2012 at 7:49 pm

  9. You seem confused. The disease in the England was “foot and mouth” and it has nothing to do with what the animals are fed, its a contagious viral disease transmitted from pigs usually to other cloven hoofed animals.

    You are thinking of “Mad Cow Disease” where sheep infected with a disease called Scrapie were slaughtered and their remains rendered down and mixed with meal and fed back to sheep and cows.

    It is believed that in this way some cows contracted “Mad Cow Disease” which in turn transmits to humans via the food chain ie eating infected beef. I my doubts about this and believe we will find out in years to come that “Mad cow disease” was caused by pesticides applied to cows to control warble fly infestations. Also if human CJD was acquired from eating infected beef I would have expected far more people to be showing symptoms by now?

    Anyway feeding chicken to chickens is not a good idea really although they do eat protein in the form of insects and worms it is not meant to form the major part of their diet. Ours eat cooked minced beef now and again as part of their scraps but I don’t feed them chicken meat, seems quite cannibalistic to me?

    Trust me I'm a Doctor ♥
    April 13, 2012 at 8:00 pm

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