what is the right way to raise a child? (a question for homosexuals)?

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Question by : what is the right way to raise a child? (a question for homosexuals)?
As we all know, when you talk to a kid about the birds and bees and the boy how to be nice to the girls, and all that stuff, which is like showing the ‘straight’ road for the child.

Recently i saw this series, i don’t remember which, but there was this 2 second thing about this woman holding a newborn baby with pink clothing, this was the conversation :

– aww what a cute little girl!
– it’s a boy!
– oh i’m sorry, the pink and all confused me
– it’s his favorite color!!

this made me think… we do indeed put our kids in to the ‘straight’ road while we’re raising them, showing them that boys need to be with girls. However i’ve met homosexual people, many of them, some are really really great people, and some are very very aggressive towards women to a point of cursing them or even tell the man they’re with ‘aren’t you disgusted?’ (which i kinda find hypocritical cause if women are so disgusting why on earth they would try to immitate women so much? this behavior i’ve found in the homosexuals who try too much to look and act like women)

So my question is.

If you’re a homosexual couple, and you get a child by any way, what ‘road’ would you show the kid since your own nature is homosexuality?

would you show that homosexuality is the right way? or heterosexuality?

i’m thinking of this question more like ‘the parents are christian so they teach the child that christianity is right and the rest are wrong’

NOTE : i am in no way bashing homosexuals. I’m simply asking. (plus i like most of them i meet)

What do you think? Answer below!

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10 Responses to what is the right way to raise a child? (a question for homosexuals)?

  1. I wouldn’t show one or the other but both. I hope to raise an open-minded kid. XD

    April 6, 2012 at 8:04 pm

  2. Good question, I don’t know, neither would most, but I would like to know their answers.

    April 6, 2012 at 8:52 pm

  3. I’d show them there is no “right” or “wrong” way…

    April 6, 2012 at 8:59 pm

  4. I would raise them as best I could so that theyre a good person and they can make their own choices. I would support anything they want

    April 6, 2012 at 9:35 pm

  5. i wouldn’t encourage it either way just let it happen. i think the show your talking about is “the ‘L’ word”

    David J
    April 6, 2012 at 9:44 pm

  6. I would raise a child with love, understanding, open-mindedness. With a firm hand and a soft hand, with a firm voice and one full of love. I’d raise a child with bedtime stories and cuddly blankies. With talks about life and love – with unconditional acceptance. I’d raise a child with unconditional love. By imparting a desire to learn, to know, to seek knowledge. I’d raise a child to love the Lord and their fellow man. I’d raise a child who knows that love is dancing on top of their mothers feet, that piggy backs to bed can be done over and over and over, that hugs and kisses are vital to life. How would you raise a child?

    I Can Preach Too!
    April 6, 2012 at 9:55 pm

  7. I would allow them to see that every sexual orientation is equal, because love is love is love. I would let them know that I would love them and support them just the same no matter how they turned out.

    April 6, 2012 at 9:56 pm

  8. I for one would encourage my child to be their own person and to live their life as a statement, not an apology.

    Bringing them up with a strong faith in God and a pride in this country would be first and foremost on my mind and I would also take an active role in their education and selflessly support them in any and all extracurriculars. I would try to guide them but never force them to do sports and the arts and would hope that I could impart a sense of right and wrong in them and empower them to make their own decisions regarding that. Ultimately they will have to.

    As to the sexuality question, my first priority would be to model a loving, committed, monogamous, faithful relationship to them and to explain that a family is just that – committed, supportive and loving regardless of the sex of the parents. I’d explain to them that their sexuality is their business and that as their Dad I would love and support them unconditionally.

    Most of all, I’d just pray that I’d always be a good Dad to them and that they would, in turn reflect the quality home life they were brought up in.

    April 6, 2012 at 10:39 pm

  9. I’m straight, but I intend to teach my daughter everything when she is old enough. “The birds and the bees” tend to be used as a euphemism for explaining procreation, so talking about the biology of “breeder” sexual relations at that point would be appropriate; however, when discussing “love” and relationships with her I intend to give her a full view. (I don’t think it is appropriate to give a graphic play by play of any kind of sex to your child–that would be rather awkward.) Acceptance starts with parents and I would like to raise a child who is aware of the huge diversity in our world and who attempts to respect everyone.

    Josephine D
    April 6, 2012 at 10:54 pm

  10. I know a gay couple (2 fathers) that has a boy that is 11 years old. He is starting to get interested in girls and yeah he does tell them about it. He simply asked them why he has 2 daddies when everyone else seems to have a mom and a dad and he wants to be with a girl but his parents are 2 men together.

    They simply told him that most men like women and most women like men and that those couples are called “straight”, but there are a few men who like other men, they’re called “gay” and a few women who like other women, they’re called “lesbian”.

    Then he asked where babies come from. They told him, “a baby comes from a mom and a dad, but that 2 moms or 2 dads can take care of a baby just as well and sometimes they do because it’s sad, but a mom and a dad don’t always want their baby, so they give it to a couple that DOES want it.”

    Then he asked, “Well, do they ALWAYS give the baby to 2 dads or 2 moms?” They said, “No there are some straight couples that can’t have a baby that want one too.”

    That’s all they told me when I asked them the same question. Those are my best friend’s uncle and his uncle’s boyfriend by the way. They said that their 11 year old boy doesn’t know specifically how gay and lesbian couples have sex, but he does know how a man and a woman have sex, and they said he is starting to ask how 2 men or 2 women have sex, but they’re waiting until he is older to tell him, if he doesn’t find out from the other kids in school first (sometimes, in public school, kids know more than they should for their age).

    By the way, this 11 year old boy is not any different from any other 11 year old boy I know. He’s just as smart, just as taken care of, just as loving, his dads take good care of him, he is just as popular at school and he shows no signs of abuse and his 2 fathers are the only loving family he has known.

    It’s a shame that uneducated people have to think that he’s being “abused” or “not taken care of” and yeah people actually do think that about him……

    Anyway, I hope this answered your question!

    Special Agent JamBor
    April 6, 2012 at 10:58 pm

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