Image by Will Merydith
Free ranging in our backyard. Please – eat all the bugs you can find. Especially all those carpenter ants and those big spiders making their way into our basement.
Question by Mattie: What are good hardy backyard chickens that will survive the weather in Nebraska and lay the most eggs?
What breed is best?
Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Most chickens are hardy animals and will survive the winter as long as you provide them with proper shelter and keep their water unfrozen. They also do good in warm weather too as long as they have shade and water. Sorry I live in eastern Canada and I don’t really know what Nebraskan weather is like. Any of the large brown egg layers are good. Some of the best ones are the ones like Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth Rock, Columbian Rock, Harco Blacks, and New Hampshire are all good choices. They all lay about an egg a day. White leghorns that lay white eggs are really nervous and flighty and not as hardy as brown egg layers are. Hope this helps.
October 9, 2011 at 5:12 pm