Thinking about getting chickens, Whats the plus and minus to having backyard chickens?

Filed under: Poultry |

backyard chickens
Image by chrisdat
Processing 280 Chickens – Cornish Cross & Red Bros at Pete and Jen Backyard Bird’s Mobile Poultry Processing Unit

Question by : Thinking about getting chickens, Whats the plus and minus to having backyard chickens?

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8 Responses to Thinking about getting chickens, Whats the plus and minus to having backyard chickens?

  1. Lots of chicken $ hit but lots of McNuggies too!

    March 23, 2012 at 3:30 pm

  2. – Poop.
    + A good show.

    March 23, 2012 at 3:55 pm

  3. my uncle raises chickens and unless you have a massive farm it is cheaper to buy eggs in the store then what it cost to raise a few chicken. We were going to do the same thing and they have chickens and the cost was not worth a few chickens.

    March 23, 2012 at 4:17 pm

  4. plus:
    – they eat any food left over
    – they will give you free eggs
    – kids can play with them

    – they will mess up the ground with their ****
    – they might me a conflict between them and other pets (e.g cat)
    – they might make eggs in unexpected places

    March 23, 2012 at 4:58 pm

  5. The plus is fresh eggs. They aren’t free since you have to pay for the chickens and their feed, plus build a coop. But overall, still cheaper than buying eggs at the store. Plus you know what the chickens eat, so it should be comparable to organic eggs, versus whatever junk the egg factories feed their chickens.

    The cons…having to clean chicken poop. There is some noise from the clucking, so it’s not very peaceful. Cats, raccoons, rats will try to eat your chickens.

    March 23, 2012 at 5:32 pm

  6. chickens are great pets, start out with them when they’re only little balls of fluff.. the first night, hand feed them, and the best cage to start out with is a tank, and keep them inside until you notice they’re “Waddle” but you can keep it outdoors, i just keep mine indoors sometimes. play with them and keep them away from other animals, such as Dogs, Cats, anything way much bigger than a chicken, but it is possible to keep it with other animals i have 4 dogs 1 cat 1 cockatiel bird(they get along very well!)
    keep them away from pool water, unless they have something to float in, only keep them in for much more less than a minute! play with them and when they open they’re beak, and start breathing really, really fast that means they’re thirsty or hot, but you shouldn’t ever expect it is because its hot you should ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS expect its thirsty. there is only 5% chance it’ll end up being a rooster when you get a baby chicken. there are many types of chickens. if you want a mellow chicken that likes to play, i think you should get an Orpington. there are all sorts of orpingtons! buff orpington(buff is a gold like color) and they have the black and white orpington. if you want something really, really, really, playful and active, i suggest you get the red chicken, (Brown when they’re little) i forgot the name of the red chicken… you can also hold chickens but ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER HOLDING THEM how to hold them:
    if you want your chickens to allow you to hold them, or touch them, you need to play with them and hold them a lot. pick them up don’t hold them to hard, pick them up from the chest thats how most people do it when the chickens are older. hold it and rest it on your hip or sit down and hold it on your legs or lap. on cold days, and its raining, bring all your chickens somewhere worm..

    March 23, 2012 at 6:09 pm

  7. pros
    -they give you good fertiliser
    -they’re fun! they make awesome pets
    -they eat all your food scraps

    -you have to clean their coops
    -you have to look after them; give them water and make sure they stay healthy and safe

    ..personally, i find the pros outweigh the cons, very much 🙂

    the ♥chicken♥ whisperer
    March 23, 2012 at 6:37 pm

  8. PROS:
    Cheap to keep
    Eat almost all foods plus Bugs Bugs and more bugs
    Receive nice healthy eggs
    Meat (if wish to kill and eat when mature)
    Can either sell some eggs or birds later
    Low Maintenance
    Great compost material
    Chickens are just plain great to watch strut around the yard getting what ever crosses in front of them and then the race is on as the others follow and try to get the bug the 1 bird has LOL LOL LOL
    Thes birds are affectionate,with attitudes and great personalities…..
    Higher amounts of Folic acid and vitamin B12 &Vitamin A( all natural and good for humans)….

    Preparation & expense @ 1st is a tad costly (unless you have some supplies and a coop/pen already)
    Time and money are needed to set up a coop/pen plus feeds and water and dispensers as well for all.
    Depending on where you live an Ordinances may be required 4 having birds may wish to check this out with the city or town officials to be sure you are allowed to have chickens in this area.
    Neighbors are entitled to know you are planing on getting chickens if they live any way close enough to really care,
    Cleaning the coop/pen to keep odors down and diseases as well.
    Time and Commitment are both needed you will have living breathing animals (poultry/chickens)They Do Require Daily Care.
    Need to be able to put birds up for the night with a roost for them to rest on in a safe spot from predators. In a safe matter. and then let out each morning around the same time if able.
    Phobic of birds
    Lack of suitable space
    Health concerns
    Waste disposal
    Care for the birds when you are not able or are planing to be away from them like vacations or trips
    Good Luck and enjoy your new featherd friends……When you get If do??

    March 23, 2012 at 7:34 pm

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