will goat milk stop an 11 month old from having diarrhea?

Filed under: Goats |

goat milk
Image by terriem
What a day. I’m exhausted. But the milk line is set up, sort of. Just don’t ask me how it works. Yet.

Question by Ashley L: will goat milk stop an 11 month old from having diarrhea?
An 11 month old i watch has diarrhea. Will giving her goat milk help? or do you know anything that will help it?

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2 Responses to will goat milk stop an 11 month old from having diarrhea?

  1. at 11 months a child should be drinking breastmilk or formula. No other milk. If she has diarrhea she can have a banana, some white rice cereal or toast.
    Shouldn’t you let her parents deal with her illness? Don’t give her anything without their consent, you could make it worse.

    March 18, 2012 at 3:59 pm

  2. Without a known cause of diarrhea, the child should be under the care of a physician. Diarrhea can easily cause the death of an infant in a matter of days. The issue could be bacterial, viral… or milk-related. This child should be evaluated by a physician toot-sweet.

    The above answerer is incorrect. Historically cow’s milk was given to infants (many baby-boomers got cow’s milk as an infant). Formula does contain more nutrients though and should be given if the child is not on solids yet (which they should be).

    March 18, 2012 at 4:19 pm

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