Image by steven_d_krause
This is along the side of our house, so it doesn’t follow the typical square design of four by four feet. Instead, it’s built to the dimensions of the space, two feet by sixteen feet.
Question by BRY: Has anyone had success at Square Foot Gardening?
What veges did you plant and how did it turn out. was it easier than straight row gardening?
Give your answer to this question below!
don’t know if it was any more easier than conventional, but I like how it makes the garden look
October 19, 2011 at 12:20 am
My husband and I tried it one year and I can’t say that I thought it took less space than row gardening in our ten ft by ten ft garden area. Whether you plant in rows or in square feet, the advice in that book is very good and I’d recommend it to anyone new to vegetable gardening
October 19, 2011 at 12:46 am