Meat Goat Farming – Profitable Business of Raising Goats

Filed under: Goats |

goat farming
Image by acroamatic

goat farming
by brykmantra

Article by Ted Allen

The most profitable major product of goat farming is meat. Aside from milk and hide, meat is one of the most important products of raising goats. Meat goat farming can indeed be a very profitable business. It is very easy to handle and management, even beginners has a high rate of success. To start your own meat goat farming, try the following suggestions.

The foremost consideration you should make is the breed of your animals. Generally, you want goats that are hardy, fertile, and have some resistance to internal parasites. Certain breeds of goats naturally tend to grow quickly, reaching sizes well above 100 pounds. Other common varieties can be anywhere from 70 to 90 pounds. Remember that the more exotic the characteristic of an animal is, the greater care it needs. In meat goat farming, breed almost dictates the amount and quality of meat you can produce in a definite time. So it is necessary that you give attention to this crucial decision. An opinion of an expert breeder can be a source of essential ideas.

Although breed plays a major factor in meat goat farming, it is not all that matters. It is also necessary that we carefully plan the animals’ barn. Make sure they have sufficient space for daily activities like running and going around. These activities build up muscles which is good if we want to sell their meat. Food is also essential to fuel their growth. The grazing area must be wide enough to accommodate all members of the herd. Allot space wisely so you don’t have to buy much feed.

Lastly, the source of your goats must be a respected breeder. A respected breeder can only not provide you with a good stock but can also assure you of the purity of the animals’ breed. Top quality bucks must also be sourced from a breeder. Bucks make up 50% of the kids’ genetics, so it is suggest you invest nicely on it. One buck is enough for about 50 does. Each doe can produce up to four offspring every pregnancy. The kids can be sold after 90 days or when they have reached the required weight.

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