My urban chicken?? Is she in in shock or is she going to die?? :(?

Filed under: Poultry |

urban chickens
Image by mazaletel
the chickens out in the yard enjoying some sun

Question by Taylor Trash: My urban chicken?? Is she in in shock or is she going to die?? :(?
Her names stella and I know it sounds silly but I love her 🙁 and i’m 16 and not a crazy chicken person haha. But this is making me really sad and I’m so mad!!
And she was moving her right wing.
So I have 3 hens and a rooster and about a half our ago this nasty little yappy dog in my neighborhood came into my backyard through the fence and attacked one of my hens! On her right side she’s bleeding under her wing but not much. It doesn’t look like the dog took a bite out of her. Her head still moves and she’s pretty alert but she can’t move her legs at all what so ever! She doesn’t seem to be in pain but what should I do?? I can’t take her to the vet.

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2 Responses to My urban chicken?? Is she in in shock or is she going to die?? :(?

  1. did you scream MOM DAD!!!!!!!!!! they might be able to help you.

    January 27, 2012 at 5:32 pm

  2. Im so sorry about stella…I on the other hand am a crazy chicken grl im 17 and tell my chickens i love them at night before bed and my 2 ducks.

    Well why cant you take her to the vet? call an avian vet or reg vet demanding help…Most ill say put her to sleep…No…she may pull through

    Make sure she is separate from the other chickens. Clean her wound with warm water and bandage her up…Pinch her toes…if no movment she may be paralysed sadly and needs rehabilitated. afer a couple days try, sill put nesporine on wound so no infection occurs.

    bring her in the house once a day. fill up the bathtub so that it goes to her chest so she will try to move her leggs. Then adter place her on her back and massage her leggs and move them slowly back and forth.

    DO this for a week to see if its helping.

    I hope stella gets better

    January 27, 2012 at 6:23 pm

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