How do you feed the chickens on Harvest Moon 64?

Filed under: Poultry |

feed chickens
Image by Teri Tith

Question by hUsH: How do you feed the chickens on Harvest Moon 64?
Alright, I have the fodder, it says I do in the silo outside the chicken coop. But…where is the little spout thing in the coop, itself? I can get fodder out of the barn, I’ve found the spout…but, where do you get the chicken feed…the walls are just bare!
Ah! I found the feed! It was in the toolbox in the house! -.-”

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2 Responses to How do you feed the chickens on Harvest Moon 64?

  1. I have no idea 😛
    But I used to adore that game on my old PS1. I think I might even buy an N64 just so I can play the modern version.

    January 24, 2012 at 1:18 am

  2. in your house there is a box thingy and the chicken feed should be in there!!!

    January 24, 2012 at 2:08 am

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