Question by theman: What is the theory of sustainable agriculture as John Ikerd states it?
Also what are the three pillars of sustainable agriculture? Honest answers please
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One Response to What is the theory of sustainable agriculture as John Ikerd states it?
1. Economic-a farm that does not make a profit and stays in debt is not a healthy farm
2. Environmental-a farm should do little environmental harm and should be achieving an ecological balance
3. Social-a farm should practice social justice and not exploit it’s laborers not join with other who do. So organic farms will pay a decent wage to its’ workers
1. Economic-a farm that does not make a profit and stays in debt is not a healthy farm
2. Environmental-a farm should do little environmental harm and should be achieving an ecological balance
3. Social-a farm should practice social justice and not exploit it’s laborers not join with other who do. So organic farms will pay a decent wage to its’ workers
July 25, 2011 at 2:54 pm