February 5, 2011. The French documentary “Babies” follows four children from Namibia, Japan, Mongolia and California from the day of their birth to their first steps. The film, directed by…
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One Response to “Babies” Heartwarming documentary about raising children from around the world
Have you seen the documentary “Babies”?
>>The movie doesn’t try to make any political statements about babies from
wealthier families. The creator’s aim was “simply to present four
completely different environments.”
Have you seen the documentary “Babies”?
>>The movie doesn’t try to make any political statements about babies from
wealthier families. The creator’s aim was “simply to present four
completely different environments.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eITCHF-9kBA #birth #childbirth #baby
#pregnancy #pregnant #motherhood #babies #homebirth #family #labor #babies
#documentary #film
March 31, 2015 at 10:00 pm