What is a good recipe for homemade organic fertilizer?

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organic fertilizer
Image by thegreenpages

Question by kraikaikaigai?: What is a good recipe for homemade organic fertilizer?
I live in the tropics and have access to a lot of rice by-products. Can somebody give me a good recipe for making a fertilizer out of them?

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3 Responses to What is a good recipe for homemade organic fertilizer?

  1. I have taught home and mini-farm composting in many places. This is the best organic fertilizer because it has the organic matter in it and releases over time. Like feeding a balanced meal instead of sugar. It also grows the tilth of the soil over time.

    The compost is made of equal parts brown/dry and green materials with a small amount of soil…think of a layer cake.

    A layer of brown, a layer of green a small layer of soil, repeat.
    The layers of brown/green can be 6″ thick…then just a 1/4″ layer of soil. Water each 3-layer as you build.

    We make these piles 5’x5’x5′

    In the tropics, you can use more brown/dry to slow the composing down!

    The piles need moisture…lost of it! But not drowning, you want to control the moisture so be prepared to cover the piles in heavy rains. Let some rain in then cover.

    You do not have to turn the pile, but when it heats up and has cooled..you can turn it.

    The moisture of the pile should be like a wrung out cloth…moist but not soaked.

    December 8, 2011 at 11:26 pm

  2. use your coffee grounds & all your scraps from cooking like veggies it works wonders

    December 9, 2011 at 12:00 am

  3. Make your own compost. Use, egg shells, old banana peels, etc.. coffee grinds, etc… and leaves, etc… build you a compost box or comtainer and put on flowers

    December 9, 2011 at 12:31 am

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