Why ,when avoiding dairy produce for eczema relief ,is goats milk recommended when it is classed as dairy too?

Filed under: Goats |

dairy goats
Image by istolethetv
Originally posted here: www.istolethe.tv/blahblahblah/2005/09/yeah-thats-what-i-m…

Question by Carl: Why ,when avoiding dairy produce for eczema relief ,is goats milk recommended when it is classed as dairy too?
I have been suffering from eczema most of my life and have read up on many possible causes , i have been aware that dairy produce might be a possible cause for flare ups and have heard that it is advisable to switch to goats milk instead .This baffles me as those who advocate a dairy free approach and suggest the switch must surely realise that goats milk is also a dairy product .. ??

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5 Responses to Why ,when avoiding dairy produce for eczema relief ,is goats milk recommended when it is classed as dairy too?

  1. Because goats are cool

    George B
    November 25, 2011 at 3:58 pm

  2. there must be something that is in cows milk that isn’t present in goat milk. They use the term “dairy products” loosely.

    November 25, 2011 at 4:47 pm


    November 25, 2011 at 5:16 pm

  4. You are right, it is, but for some reason I think most people just think dairy is the product of cows. Maybe goats milk has less lactulose or something, it may be that that aggravates eczema. Thanks though, I am an eczema sufferer and I didn’t know that!

    November 25, 2011 at 5:18 pm

  5. Goats milk does have the same protein and lactose that cows milk has, it just has different levels. Some people that have a sensitivity, the levels are different enough not to affect them. If your trying to avoid dairy you should avoid goats milk also. Give lactose free milk a try.

    November 25, 2011 at 5:57 pm

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