Image by gmourits
Question by Jade: why does a solar water heater have coiled pipes ?
this is for my physics homework and i have to design a solar water heater. my teacher explained things like it has to be black and coiled pipes but i dont understand why ? ANY HELP please ?
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This gives better heat transfer.
This is not due to heater is a solar heater. Heating a liquid at a particular zone provides the temperature of the bulk to rise quickly minimizing chances of faster heat loss due to radiation than the rate of heating the liquid.
Science Boy
November 24, 2011 at 9:18 pm
Coiling allows one to put more pipe into a smaller space. And the more pipe there is, the more pipe area there is exposed to the sunlight. All other things equal, more heat is transferred across the pipe when more of its area is exposed. Naturally, the more heat transferred across the pipe and into the water, the hotter the contained water will become.
Bottom line, the pipes are coiled to make the water hotter by exposing more pipe to the sunlight.
November 24, 2011 at 10:17 pm
coiled pipes in a solar water heater are provided to increase its surface area .. so, as to increase the heat energy captured..
Chhayank Srivastava
November 24, 2011 at 11:15 pm