Image by Tianyake
在小镇的住宅区, 屋前的一小块空地, 被勤劳的居民辟为自供自足的小菜圃 / The small plot of vacant land opposite the residential house in this small town, the diligent house-owner makes use of it to turn it into a farm or rather a self-sufficient vegetables garden.
Question by L.K. Duh: How can I operate a hydroponic vegetable garden in my garage?
It seems to me that garage-based hydroponics might be more effective than planting a victory garden. In a moderate climate, what does it take to operate a hydroponic vegetable garden at home?
Can you help? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Here is an article to help you get started –
and another at wikipediea ( quite a bit more info ) –
There are ALL kinds of suppliers and manufacturers – here’s a search link with a long list, hehe –;_ylt=At9WqsjooDcQZCCc5skG9C182PAI?p=hydroponic+garden&fr=my-myy&toggle=1&cop=&ei=UTF-8
ebay has a lot of hydroponics supplies listed too.
Have Fun
November 19, 2011 at 11:14 pm